When you are planning for a divorce under Michigan law and you are considering the plans you need to make, you are probably thinking about everything you need to do leading up to the divorce — opening your own bank account, gathering financial documents from your...
Month: December 2020
What is a UCCJEA Case?
If you are going through a divorce and have minor children from your marriage, or if you are separating from a partner with whom you have minor children, you will need to learn about the Michigan Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA). The...
Should I Close My Facebook Account During My Divorce?
Many people turn to their social media accounts, including Facebook, to provide life updates to friends and family members, and to vent about issues or concerns happening in their lives. Indeed, Facebook can seem like a good place to turn to let all of your friends...
Is My Inheritance Considered Marital Property?
If you are planning to file for divorce in Michigan in 2021, or if your spouse has already filed a petition for the dissolution of marriage, you are likely already thinking about how your marital property will be divided and whether certain assets will be subject to...
Common Reasons to Modify a Divorce Order
Divorce orders are based on the circumstances presented at the time of the divorce case. Under Michigan law, when a court makes a decision about alimony or child custody, for example, the court considers the facts at that moment rather than considering the ways in...
Tips for Keeping Your Separate Property Separate
If you are planning to file for divorce in Michigan, you may have already explored Michigan divorce law and the rules surrounding property division. You have likely learned that Michigan is an equitable distribution state, which means that the court will classify all...