Over 30 Years Experience Focused In Divorce & Family Law

An Advocate In Domestic Violence Matters

Often, people caught in abusive or violent relationships do not know that Michigan law provides ways to escape such situations. A victim can obtain a personal protection order (PPO) preventing the abuser from contacting the victim in any way.

Many abusive behaviors have become crimes. These include spousal rape, stalking and violating a PPO. Because such behaviors are crimes, victims have redress in criminal court as well as the ability to obtain a protective order. Victims can obtain an ex parte PPO without a hearing and without the abuser being present. However, the accused has a right to request a hearing within 14 days of a PPO being issued.

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, lawyer Michael A. Robbins can answer any questions related to domestic violence and PPOs. He represents men and women in all domestic violence matters, from advising people on how to obtain a PPO to defending against a restraining order at hearings.

Dealing With Domestic Violence Issues

Domestic violence is sometimes an issue in divorce. As an attorney focusing exclusively on family law, Mr. Robbins has often seen the effects of abusive behavior. He also knows that accusations of domestic violence may be an effort by one party hoping to gain the upper hand in custody proceedings or other matters related to divorce.

Domestic violence can take a variety of forms. Michael A. Robbins has represented clients in matters such as:

  • Stalking
  • Assault and molestation
  • Trespassing on private property or at a victim’s workplace
  • Harassing phone calls and emails
  • Threatening bodily harm or death
  • Verbally abusing or intimidating
  • Rape and other sexual assault
  • Removing children from the home of the other parent without permission
  • Interfering with the removal of children in violation of a court order

Violence or the threat to commit violence is domestic abuse.

Victims of domestic abuse can be anyone:  a marital spouse, those living together, those dating or used to date, children and infants. Mr. Robbins has represented both sides in domestic violence cases and strives towards protecting the safety and rights of those he represents..

Michael A. Robbins has been representing men and women in family law matters since 1982. He has appeared in the national media to discuss issues related to domestic violence and family law.

Let Us Assist You

To learn about your options if you fear abuse or have been accused of abuse, call us at 248-646-7980 for an initial consultation, or fill out our intake form on our Contact page. Located in Bloomfield Hills, Mr. Robbins accepts cases in the Tri-County area of Oakland, Wayne and Macomb counties and throughout the state.