Over 30 Years Experience Focused In Divorce & Family Law

Is Social Media Leading Your Marriage to the Path of Divorce?

On Behalf of | Jun 3, 2015 | Uncategorized |

Just about everyone is aware of social media and its influence on individuals and societies all over the world. Social media is now a common part of every day life and its reach knows almost no boundaries. People use social media for a wide variety of reasons and for many different purposes. For some people social media is a hobby, while others use it for business or simply to connect with family and friends. On the other end of the spectrum there are those who use social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, so much that they can become addicted. It’s no surprise that studies are now finding that social media is playing an increasingly larger role in divorce.

One woman, who started out trying to build a business through Facebook, reportedly got so hooked that she ended up allowing it to become an obsession. She went from trying to use it as a way to help her family with finances to using it for four or five hours a day to escape from her daily duties. According to the woman, she was so obsessed that when she should have been taking care of her family she was instead on Facebook. Eventually she began trading messages with ex-boyfriends and even complete strangers. When her husband found out the fighting began, and eventually they divorced.

This is not a unique situation, by any means. More and more, couples that end their marriages are citing social media use as one of the causes. What’s more, divorce attorneys throughout the country have noted an increase of couples that at least partially blame social media for their failed marriage. There are many causes that can contribute to divorce, including social media. When couples are unable to manage these issues then divorce often ends up being their only answer. Today, almost all divorce lawyers also use social media to gather evidence relevant to a divorcing couple’s breakdown of their marriage.

No one ever plans on ending his or her marriage prematurely, but unfortunately many couples can’t overcome their differences. When couples in Michigan have reached their point of no return it’s important for them seek the help of an experienced divorce lawyer. At the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins, we have been helping the people of Oakland County and the surrounding areas for more than 30 years. We understand the different struggles that people will most likely face as they move forward with divorce. We work to obtain the best resolution for each situation, whether that means a person settles out of court or he or she has to go to trial. Please contact us today if you are considering filing for divorce in Michigan. Click here or give us a call at 248-646-7980.