Over 30 Years Experience Focused In Divorce & Family Law

Helping With Complex Property Division in Michigan

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2015 | Uncategorized |

Aside from determining child custody, property division is usually the most difficult aspect of any divorce. Property division involves the splitting up of a couple’s possessions, which usually elicits many harsh feelings and emotions. It can be very hard deciding who gets to keep what when many assets are important to both parties. Additionally, sometimes couples simply disagree out of spite for their ex-mate. These kinds of feelings can lead to a long, drawn-out settlement process, which no one really ever wants to experience. Things can get even more adversarial when couples are dealing with complex property division.

While all property divisions have complexities, complex divorce issues often include evaluations of a business, division of a limited liability company, retirement accounts, investment holdings, real estate, and inheritance and gifted property. If you have any, or all, of these things in your divorce settlement then the process could get very complicated.

The important thing to remember is to speak with an attorney. Despite the many complex issues that can arise when these types of assets are involved, an experienced divorce attorney knows how to deal with complex property division. The court will use many factors to determine how these assets should be divided. It’s important that your attorney understands the process and is prepared to get you the best results possible. In order to avoid costly mistakes and come away with an agreeable settlement it’s always a good idea to speak with an attorney before moving forward with any divorce settlement.

At the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins in Michigan, we understand the many different factors of complex property division. Separating the car, the house and the furniture are part of almost every divorce settlement. However, when you also have to deal with evaluations, real estate, investments and retirement funds, among other things, the settlement process can become extremely complicated and contentious. That’s why you should contact a knowledgeable divorce attorney in Michigan for help. At the law Offices of Michael A. Robbins, we’ll help guide you through all the complexities of property division and see to it that your rights are protected. Please call us for an initial consultation at 248-646-7980 or
click here to contact us online.