Over 30 Years Experience Focused In Divorce & Family Law

Sperm Bank Lawsuits and Same-Sex Parents’ Rights

On Behalf of | May 12, 2016 | Uncategorized |

A breaking storing inThe New York Times earlier this month revealed what most parents would consider to be a nightmare: a sperm bank that lies about its donors’ backgrounds. Commonly affecting same-sex couples who are unable to conceive on their own, sperm banks may not always be honest; lawsuits filed in Canada allege that a fertility clinic hid information that it had about donors – more specifically, the 15 families that are plaintiffs in the lawsuit purport that the 23 children that have been conceived – all using the same donor’s sperm – have a “genetic predisposition to schizophrenia.”

Families Seek Millions

The lawsuits are seeking more than four million dollars each (there have been three separate lawsuits filed); these damages are intended to pay for support and care for the families, assuming that the children will develop mental illness. The fertility company’s president, Mr. Kevin M. O’Brien, stated that the company followed procedures. But plaintiffs argue that the opposite is true, and that stronger policies should be in place to make sure that individuals who are donating sperm are healthy and safe.

The Rights of Same-Sex Couples as Parents

The issue above is just one of the many concerns that same-sex individuals have to face when conceiving children. In addition to ensuring that the sperm is from a safe and healthy source, same-sex parents may also have to deal with second parent adoptions, and debates over custody and child support in the event that the couple divorces. Because only one parent in the relationship actually gives birth to the child, the rights of the other parents are often hard to understand. Further, things can become even more complex when an issue like the one above is present, when children want to meet their biological parents, or if biological parents want to meet children or seek legal rights.

How Our Law Firm Can Help


At the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins, we are committed to guiding same-sex couples through all of their family law needs, ranging from marriage to second parent adoptions to child custody and more. Our attorneys have been advocating for same sex couples in Michigan for many years, and know that even though same-sex marriage has finally been recognized as a human right, same-sex couples still face unique issues; we can help you to understand those issues and how to work through them.

Call Our Offices Today

If you have questions about your rights under the law as a parent in a same-sex relationship, please do not hesitate to call our law firm. You can reach our offices today at 248-646-7980, or request a consultation by filling out our online form. We look forward to working with you.