Divorce is never easy, even if it seems as though you and your spouse will be able to reach an agreement about all or most of the terms in your case. Accordingly, you should have an experienced Michigan divorce lawyer on your side who can advocate for you and help to negotiate the best property settlement agreement. Whether you are anticipating a relatively straightforward divorce with limited marital property, or a more complex divorce involving high assets or child custody issues, you should think carefully about the following tips for picking the best divorce lawyer to work on your case.
Recognize That You Need a Lawyer to Assist With Your Case
One of the most important tips for finding the best divorce lawyer for your case is to recognize early on that you really do need an attorney on your side. If you begin the divorce process without a lawyer, you can risk making mistakes that can end up costing you significantly as your divorce process reaches its conclusion. By acknowledging as soon as possible that you need to hire a divorce attorney, you can begin meeting with lawyers to find the one who will best serve your needs.
Find a Lawyer in Michigan Who Specializes in Divorce Law
No matter what, you should always work with a Michigan divorce lawyer who has years of experience handling a wide variety of divorce issues under Michigan law. Divorces can be extremely complicated, and you should know that a lawyer who does not specialize in family law matters will not be able to serve you as well as a seasoned divorce attorney.
Meet With Lawyers in Person to Discuss Your Case
Many attorneys will offer a consultation, and it is important to meet with a potential lawyer in person. You can get a sense of how you get along with the lawyer, and you can ask many different types of questions that can help you to assess whether a particular lawyer is likely to be the best person to handle your case. For example, if you communicate best over text and email, you will want to know if you can text your attorney during the process with questions. Conversely, if you prefer a phone call, will you be able to reach the attorney during business hours? Are after-hours calls a possibility if your profession has you working a non-traditional schedule?
Find a Lawyer Who Has Experience Handling Divorce Cases Similar to Yours
Not all divorce cases are alike. While many Michigan divorce attorneys will be able to handle a variety of legal matters arising in a divorce, if your divorce will involve a specific issue, it is always a good idea to have an attorney with experience dealing with that particular matter. For example, if you are anticipating a high net worth divorce and the division of a business you share with your spouse, you should seek out counsel with experience handling high asset divorces and the division of marital businesses. Or, for example, if you are concerned about child custody and parenting time issues in your divorce following family violence, you should seek an attorney who has experience in this area.
Seek Advice from a Divorce Attorney in Michigan
Whether you are at the early stages of a divorce or are in the middle of your divorce and realize you need counsel, an experienced divorce attorney in Michigan can speak with you. Contact the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins today.