Over 30 Years Experience Focused In Divorce & Family Law

Can I Get a Quick Divorce in Michigan?

by | Jan 5, 2021 | Uncategorized |

If you have friends or family members in other states who have gotten divorced with no children and relatively few assets, you might have heard about a process known as a simplified divorce, or a joint simplified dissolution, depending upon the specific state. Some states have simplified divorce procedures for spouses who have no children and limited assets and who anticipate an uncontested divorce. Under Michigan law, however, divorcing spouses generally have only the options of an uncontested or a contested divorce.

Just because Michigan does not offer the same type of specialized simplified divorce process as other states does not mean that you cannot be eligible for a quick and relatively painless divorce process. We want to say more about how you can plan for a fast divorce in Michigan.

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

An uncontested divorce is a divorce in which the parties agree to all issues in the divorce case —  property division, spousal maintenance or support, child custody, child support, and any other outstanding issues. As soon as the parties cannot reach an agreement about even a single issue, the process becomes known as a contested divorce, and the court must decide the issue. However, even if your case does not begin as an uncontested divorce does not mean that you cannot get there. Through negotiation, and potentially through family mediation, you may be able to reach an agreement on all issues with your spouse and to move forward with an uncontested divorce. 

Uncontested divorces go much more quickly than contested divorces since they do not require the court to hear from both sides about a dispute and to resolve the issue.

How Fast is an Uncontested Divorce in Michigan?

Just how quick is an uncontested divorce in Michigan? The answer to this question can depend on various factors, but you should know that the divorce can happen in as little as 60 days if you do not have minor children from the marriage. With no minor children, a spouse can file the petition for divorce and the court may grant it once 60 days have passed. 

When there are minor children from the marriage, the court is supposed to wait at least 180 days, but if there is strong evidence that it is in the children’s best interest to finalize the divorce sooner, you may be able to ask the court to waive the 180-day requirement. 

Contact Our Michigan Divorce Attorneys for Assistance With Your Uncontested Divorce

If you want to begin the divorce process and to plan for a relatively quick case, one of our experienced Michigan divorce lawyers can begin working with you on an uncontested divorce. If necessary, we may be able to negotiate with the other spouse’s legal team to reach an agreement about particular issues in your settlement, or we can help with family mediation to allow you to reach an agreement with your spouse. Do not hesitate to get in touch if our firm can assist you with your divorce case. Contact the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins to learn more about the services we provide to clients in Michigan.