To start, one of the top reasons that you should not be ashamed about getting divorced is that you are not alone in this journey. According to Psychology Today, the estimated divorce rate is approximately 42% to 45%. There are many others, likely including people you know, who are going through the same doubts and feelings of uncertainty. Some are affected by guilt or a sense of embarrassment that they were not able to work out marital challenges. When you care about what your family and friends think, you might feel that you have somehow not fulfilled others’ expectations.
Though you will probably experience a range of emotions as you work through the Michigan divorce process, shame should not be one of them. It should also not deter you from moving forward since ending one chapter can open the door to a bright future. Retaining a Bloomfield Hills divorce attorney is essential to ensure your case proceeds as smoothly as possible, but it is helpful to review some additional reasons not to be ashamed.
You should not expect to just get over it. After the passing of a loved one, divorce is one of the most anxiety-inducing experiences you will go through in life. In a sense, you are in mourning as you grieve over the end of your marriage. There is no shame in working through the stages of grief in your own way.
Any legal proceeding can be overwhelming. Many parties to a divorce have never been involved in a legal matter, so the process can seem daunting. Divorce is similar to dissolving a business as you work through assets, debts, and other financial matters. Parents with children must also address custody, visitation, and support, all of which can be daunting.
You have the opportunity to teach children powerful lessons. Though your marriage may be ending, parents will still be involved in a relationship that focuses on raising children and ensuring their well-being. As you exercise your parental rights and responsibilities, you have the chance to show your kids the reality of these relationships. Parents are role models for their children, so you can demonstrate the benefits of compromise and cooperation.
Time heals wounds of divorce. With every passing day, you wake up, and your divorce is further in the past. You might feel that you could never move on, but the passage of time will ease the negative emotions.
You can redefine and improve yourself. After divorce, you might have more time to pursue interests, explore new employment opportunities, and socialize in new circles. This is especially true when you co-parent with your ex and have more free time to focus on yourself.
Count on an Oakland County Divorce Lawyer for Help With the Process
There is no question that divorce inspires a range of emotions, but your feelings will not impact the process when you have experienced legal counsel on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins today for more information.