Over 30 Years Experience Focused In Divorce & Family Law

Common Reasons to Modify a Divorce Order

On Behalf of | Dec 8, 2020 | Uncategorized |

Divorce orders are based on the circumstances presented at the time of the divorce case. Under Michigan law, when a court makes a decision about alimony or child custody, for example, the court considers the facts at that moment rather than considering the ways in which circumstances could change. Accordingly, many different situations can arise that necessitate a modification to a divorce order. In general, Michigan courts will require a showing of changed circumstances if you want to petition for a modification. Depending upon the particular circumstances of a case, sometimes the party who experiences the change in circumstances will seek a modification, while news of an ex-spouse’s changed circumstances can also lead to a petition to modify alimony or child support, for example.

When you have questions about likely reasons to modify a divorce order, you should seek advice from a divorce attorney in Michigan. In the meantime, we want to tell you about some of the common reasons that parties seek modifications after a divorce. 

You Lost Your Job or Had to Take a Pay Reduction 

If you lost your job or had to take a reduction in your pay, you may need to seek a modification of your alimony or child support obligation. Losing a job due to an injury or a disabling illness one of the common reasons that parties will seek to modify financial obligations after a divorce. You need to remember, however, that you cannot have the court modify an existing order if you quit your job because you were frustrated about alimony or child support payments. Any indication of an intentional loss of income for these purposes can result in the court imputing income and making clear that you are obligated to pay a particular amount. 

You Got Offered a New Job and Need to Relocate

Were you recently offered a new job that requires a relocation? Depending upon how far away the new job is located, it may be necessary to ask the court to modify your child custody order, and parenting time in particular. A new position that requires a move is typically considered to be a substantial change in circumstances that can lead to a modification.

Your Spouse Got a Promotion That Comes with a Substantial Increase in Pa 

Are you currently paying alimony, and you learned that your ex-spouse got a high-paying new job or position? Or did you learn that your child’s other parent recently got a big promotion that came with a substantial increase in pay? Depending upon the specific facts, you could ask the court to modify an alimony or child support order from your divorce. 

Learn More From Our Michigan Divorce Attorneys

There are many different reasons that a person might want to modify a divorce order. Sometimes that person experiences a change in their own circumstances, while in other cases, the party might learn that an ex-spouse has experienced a significant change in circumstances. Ultimately, if you have questions about modifying a divorce order or whether your changed circumstances are likely to be sufficient for a modification, one of our Michigan divorce lawyers can help you. Contact the Law Offices of Michael A. Robbins to learn more about how we can assist you with post-divorce modifications to alimony, child custody, and child support orders.
